Your Story, Long Distance Relationships
❤ Your Story
Fresh! Share your story, your fights and your successes in your relationship!
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120 Responses to ❤ Your Story
I am eighteen and presently a freshman in college in Ohio. My beau of four years is twenty and in the marines corps. He has been in the marines for two years so far. His permanent station is in North Carolina and he goes on deployment over seas for around six months at a time. He has three more years of being in the military until we can ultimately be together. Presently we see each other about twice a year, and it's truly taking a toll on me. We can call each other everyday but it's like we still are not apart of each other's lives at all. There is no way that we can live together since I'm attending college in Ohio and I would have to drop out of school. We dated all across highschool and I would love to get married but we have never lived together. And we won't be able to live together until three more years of only watching each other twice a year. I guess I'm telling you all this because I truly do not know what to do. I love this man with all my heart and I only want him, and he feels the same about me. But because of the circumstances it's like we can't have each other. I just don't know whether to keep attempting or what will happen with us. Like I said, it's like we aren't even apart of each others lives any more. And at the rate things are going now I'm not sure what these next three years will do to us. Please if you are or have been in a similar situation I would love to hear your opinion, or some advice, anything that would help I would be so grateful.
My playmate and I met in France, I live in Canada with my three children. We fell in love and after one 1/Two years he came to Canada. We lived joyfully and had a fine family, but not a lot of money. So we didn't get his visa application in when we should have…. He got deported sixteen months ago. We got married six months ago. He is living in Rngland while we remain in Canada. I could never leave my kids, their dad would never let me take them,(but I couldn't take them from their dad anyways),so I am stuck with feeling like I have to choose inbetween my kids and my hubby. We miss each other terribly, but fortunately we see each other about every twoontgs for a long weekend. My heart violates every time I leave him. He fights with depression… He misses his family. It is so hard but I am determined we will be together again. We have an immigration lawyer (who is moving sooooooo leisurely), but it will be two years IF they even approve his come back. It's hard. I'm stressed. I'm lonely. I want my hubby home.
My fucking partner and I met and fell in love eleven years ago when I rescued his golden retriever into my foster home. He has his own IT consulting company, his job takes him all over the country on long term contracts. We have lived and worked in two different cities/states for almost all of those eleven years. He is uncommonly at home, only on most weekends, which amounts to about forty eight hours.. I am 62, he is 57. I am preparing to retire next year (2016), his plans are to work for at least another ten years with his own company traveling the country or the globe (he has had contracts in foreign countries). I am growing so very tired of being alone most of the time, and not truly being able to help our relationship grow-I need a ‘tangible' person, which he is not and has no desire to be. He seems fairly content to do the traveling and remain uninvolved with a permanent realtionship…no desire to switch. I've met his ‘ex's' and they all say the same thing: he will never switch. I feel sometimes like his storage unit-he has all of his belongings in my house, which does not amount to much besides clothes and a car, no more than he can budge out in eight hours (he told me that primarily when we moved together). Right now he is away on a contract that is scheduled to end in October 2015, and another contract will go after that one, but I do not know anything about it at this time. He is also very involved in AA, so much of his time when he is at my place is spent at meetings, or otherwise involved with his AA family, I am growing weary of this situation, talking about it to him has done nothing except anger him to the point of him menacing to end the relationship. Any advice out there as to how to treat this? My friends are telling me to break it off and stop carrying the torch…it's fairly hard to end eleven years…..any thoughts?
I just want to share for a 2nd that long distance is possible! It is not how relationships are supposed to be, but I can attest to it. We celebrated five years together yesterday, and this weekend we will feast four years together long distance. now, tell me that isn't incredible. Relationships are hard work and long distance relationships are even stiffer. But keep it up, maintain a lot of communication, and do not idealize your fucking partner so that when you see each other next you are not thinking that your fucking partner is the best person in the world (because he/she most likely isn't). And…. love one another! It is possible.
Well I'm in a LDR since September 2014, and we are always fighting because I am listening to what people are telling. One of my good friends asked me! he used to go to school but he got in a fight with his teacher so they kicked him out, and he joined the army, and they kicked him out too because his uncle join a terrorist group and the both have the same last name. So now he is working as a security, and he lives in Algeria. I'm like so confused I don't know what to do. I love him so much and I know his the right one for me.
Sort of fresh at this. Divorce finalized in September 2013. I was married for forty years to a man I was with since I was 16. I am sixty one years old, and had a wonderful romance with a man who'd been interested in me for many years, ever since I was in a movie he made (about poetry, of all things)… Embarked out that he felt more than I did…. Then we met for a most sultry weekend….. Fit ideally into both of our schedules. But now distance is becoming a problem…. Hundreds of miles apart. And I covet physical closeness. No problem when we were together…. At our age (he's older than me 67), we both have rather established lives –so we can't see each other often even if we want to. I'm just not sure. I indeed love this man, but he's providing into challenges of distance, and I'm not the kind of woman who will involve herself with indiscriminate hook-up –have to accept that I'm not the only woman with whom he will have hook-up… Not effortless for me to accept this…. NYC (him) and Michigan (me)
I am special, by choice, but he is not. What should be done?
I would like to submit a comment to Carol because I am in a similar relationship. I can sympathize with your situation a lot. Including my friend's own history with AA and anger when I attempt to discuss the relationship. I never had a long distance relationship before and am feeling the anguish.
I often imagine telling to him, “I want a beau who is in the same town as me and who spends time with me so I must break this off. If you want a committed relationship with me, we will have to make switches.”
But I have not said this because I would rather be connected to him.
He is not storing anything at my home or using me for anything, says he is faithful, but wants to be free to wander the country alone and have his adventures. (retired also)
We met on December 29, 2011, I now been living in Texas while he lives in California we were fourteen at the time not much we could do. Now we're Legal, jumpy because I know I will visit him soon. We had a long distance relationship for four years. It was and resumes to be hard, I don't know what to expect. But I love him, and I know he loves me too.
Trust me…I know the issues of attempting to keep a long distance relationship alive…especially one across time zones and hemispheres. That's why I created this project: OrbMi – Voice Messaging To The Orb, Not The Phone
We would love support from others who have attempted to keep things close despite the distance.
Hi! My name is Breanna, and I used to live in Georgia. The summer after my freshman year I moved to Kentucky, and ironically so was one of my friends, Brandt. Eventually, he moved back, but I stayed, but when we both lived here we embarked dating. He thinks I don't know that he wants to surprise me for homecoming, but I know. He needs help raising money to drive here, and we would both truly appreciate it if someone would donate! Thank you all, I love all of these stories!
I just desired to share my story with you all cause at this point of my relationship, it feels like everything is tearing apart. I've been in a ldr for two years now. I met him trough omegle on july and since day one we fell in love. Everything seems to be going superb, he already had planned to come over during two weeks in August the year after and he surely seemed in love. Later in November he had a fresh coworker but he didn't tell me about her. A few months later I began to notice he was a bit different so I determined to check what was going on. He didn't have me on fb, either instagram or anything like that because he didn't have accounts on it. One day I was nosey and determined to see if what he was telling was the truth, well it wasn't; turns out he actually had instagram and he had flirty comments all over it with his coworker. I didn't say anything to him but I made sure to gave him little hints telling it how much I love him and that if he ever felt that I wasn't enough for him, he should tell me right away. He always denied it and keep telling me how much I meant to him. Two months later, he kept going out with this doll and I eventually determined to talk about it but he said she was just a friend. He came over to visited me and after he got back to his country things began to get weird again. He even entirely disappeared for three days and I found it he was with this dame! He had a massive argument and he told me nothing happened. I still feel I'm 2nd place in his life, I permanently feel I have to fight for his love and attention. I have doe nothing but being faithfully and love him all along. I even left uni twice cause my very first career didn't let me have time for our relationship and my 2nd one was too expensive and eyeing he always kept telling me he wants to marry me and have a future together I determined to stop so we can go travel next year as he wants. I don't know what to do anymore, it's like not a single thing I do is enough for him, I hardly see my friends just to stay at home and talk to him but whenever he has the chance to go out, he does and totally disregards me for the entire weekend. I love him, I indeed do and every time he says something about “our” future together, I can't help it by believe him but everything falls apart every time I find out he's still observing that doll.
My serious relationship with Cody embarked this summer, but we've known each other since 2011. We were acquaintance at very first, but we weren't close enough to suspend or have a conversation. I was thirteen and he was sixteen at the time. Every summer after the very first year, I kept coming back for hope of improving our “relationship” and at least be friends with him. When I was fourteen, we began to be in the same activity and having joy what we like to do together. Such as, swimming in the lake, climbing, running, cooking, hopping on the trampoline, and tubing. The only different about that year (2012) was that we were being check over, because at the time. There was a disease or illness spreading around the camp (which is not anymore) and my back had scrapes from my previous surgery, but Cody has this cold and they automatic put him with the other (including myself). We went to the nearest hospital and we were alright (for those who's wondering). On our way back to camp, I fell asleep and landed on his shoulder. That was when I very first realized that I'm home and safe for the very first time, but at the time I was afraid that he wouldn't understand about me being in foster care. Also, I was afraid about my parent's approval if we were ever going to be together, but I managed to think of the present and liked the convenience of his touch. When I was fifteen when I came back the next summer, he was beginning to act weird around me. At very first I thought that he eventually realize that I like hime and was disgusted like all the other guys I liked, so I stayed my distance from him for my own sake, but he was always seem to make me laugh and smile. Despite all the feeling I've been having about being rejected. By the time I was sixteen, everything began to be hard for me to budge on. When I thought I accepted the fact that he doesn't like me back. Near the end of the summer when I was smiling away from the feelings of being close to Cody. My friend has to tell him that I like him, right in front of me and he responding that he have a gf. At the moment, I was embarrassed for the very first time, but I managed to play it cool when he was around. Then before I know what was going on, I was going back to camp for the last time and I couldn't stop thinking of witnessing Cody again and I knew that I haven't gotten over him yet. When I got back and unpack my stuff, I was headed to the diner and was blessed to ultimately see Cody again after a entire year of ache, loss, and betrayal that I have to go through at home/school/foster home. When I realized that it was my last year of coming back, I told myself that I have to budge on from Cody and leave behind about him. The very first week, I spend my time with a good friend of mine and kept myself busy. I also sign myself out of a activity that I've been assign to with Cody and kept my distance far from him. It worked for a week, but when I signed up for the overnight island excursion, I didn't realized that Cody also signed up for it. When the day came, I went to the boat to flow my bags and the next thing I knew it. He was behind me asking me if I was going to the excursion. I answered him that I was going and curse myself in my mind, but I also realized that he signed up for fishing before so he would be meeting us at the island. When I got there, I swam and got foot cramps. By the time it was near dinner, he ultimately came and hopped in the water with his clothes on. It made me laugh of course and he went back with his trunk on. We swam for a long period of time and came back in to have dinner. We ate and I swam again but I just floated around with noodles. He came back in and we swam another hour before the sunset. I was talking to my friend about my previous crushes and told her that I liked a dame once. Cody came up to me and ask if I was gay. I told him, no I’m bisexual but it took me a while to explain it to him. But it was the longest conversation that we ever had so I was glad that I was talking to him. That was when he ultimately told me that he always likes me from the beginning, but was timid to admit it. I told him that I like him too, but I was afraid that he just telling that, because I told him that I like chicks. It was when he very first began to ask me to be his gf and I said no at the time, but the next morning after he explain to me about what we did in the past. I eventually made a choice to say yes and it was the happiness time I ever had. For that week, we were together like glue, but we managed to keep our relationship balance with our friends and keep our affection out of the public. Everything was going ideal and I knew that something bad going to happens and I was getting ready with the ache that I would have to go through. My friend was attempting to take Cody away from me, by letting her friend spread rumours that I was talking behind her back, because Cody picked me over her and I was treating it fine. I didn’t tell her off or got mad or anything. All I did was that I told Cody the truth and wait for his response to choose again. I knew that it was the time that we need to have trust and I also knew that it was his time to showcase me that if he actually does like me to know that I wouldn’t do it. For the next four days of feeling empty, I dispersed myself and waited. By the next week he realized that I wouldn’t do it and speak with his friends about spreading lies around about “his girlfriend” and didn’t spend much time with them as usually. I was glad again and I was fine with the outcome. The only problem was that it was the end of the summer and we needed to go back home. I didn’t have much time to give him the note with my contact in person, so I left it with his mentor and went home. I got a email from his mentor and he said, “He stares at the note, smooch it, then caress it over his heart and put it in his pocket.” I was blessed that he got the note, but realized that he never once email, Skype, or call me, so I got worry and waited another week. After the third week I gave up on waiting and was attempting to accept the fact that he will never contact me. I attempted to coax myself that he lost the note somehow or anything, but deep down I miss him. It has been almost two months since I last heard of Cody, and I don’t know what to do.
My name is Karna. and I'm fifteen years old. I am norwegian and I have been together with my bf for two years. He is from16 and from Chile, albeit we met in South-Korea, where we both lived because of our family business. We met in January two thousand fourteen and dated ever since. We have been in a LDR for five months now, however he broke up with me yesterday. Presently I am living in Spain in boarding school, and I've been having a hard time adjusting to my fresh “home”. My entire life I have been a very “good woman”. I never smoke, drank or messed around with boys – until i met my beau (x-boyfriend). I lost my virginity to him when i was 13. But we loved each other. My parents knew we were youthfull but they loved my bf, and his family loved me. Our relationship was flawless until I moved away from Korea.
I was spending the summer of two thousand fifteen in Norway with my friends and family before I moved to Spain for one year. My bf’s parents were so nice, letting him come to Norway for half the summer, which was the best time of my life. I fell in love with him even more, watching him get along with my friends and family.
To be fair, our LDR has been going superb. We skyped everyday and all day on Sundays (despite the time difference, which was the major battle in our LDR), and we communicated lots. We had already set boundaries to what we were, and weren't permitted to do, so everything was fine – up until he cheated on me about two months ago. he got toasted and kissed a lady (who actually was OUR friend- and had a bf). But since he was tipsy and only kissed her, i determined to give him a 2nd chance.
Lately we have been arguing a lot about the future. When were we going to see each other again? What happens after we see each other? How long can we proceed our LDR? Until the end of collage? In 6/7 years??
I am going home for Norway this christmas to see my family, and I truly dreamed him to come, but it's to expensive. The next time we might be able to see each other would be next summer. But, one year apart? We love each other, but I sob myself to sleep almost every night and he suffers from fine depression. He doesn't want to spend time with his friends or family and he is doing very bad in school – just like me. Even tho’ he is depressed and I am suffering from anxiety, everything goes away when we skype. However it doesn't last very long, because before we know it, reality hits us, and we are back in our bedrooms, thousands of miles away, in front of our computer screens. For the last week, we have been debating whether or not we should simply just break up – and that maybe it was for the best.
This weekend (Two days ago), I determined to leave behind about everything that was going on and go to my friends bday party, at a pub. I got tipsy for the very very first time. I wasn't planning on it, albeit I had a fine time. When I woke up the next morning I was so jumpy to tell my bf. This is because I promised him that my very first time getting inebriated would be with him; i would be safe in his arms. I didn't tell him right away because he kept asking me about our relationship, and I thought if i tell him he will get mad. So we had been talking all day attempting to figure things out when I couldn't keep it in any longer (I am not a very good liar). I asked him “pinkie promise me, you won't get mad?”, and after he replied yes and I told him I got toasted he screamed “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I'M Cracking UP WITH YOU”. And then he strung up up.
My heart sank to the bottom of the ocean. I expected him to get mad but not this. I did not cheat on him, so I was in finish shock. How could he react this way? He broke a promise, to stay faithful to me, but i still gave him a 2nd chance. Why wouldn't he give me a 2nd chance? He sent me a text right after he draped up, telling me what a terrible person I was, complaining about how he thought I was different and independent, and loyal. Later he texted me telling “I hope you reply to this message, because it would suck not to talk to you ever again”. This text made me even more confused. I have not replied or called since.
We haven't talked for a day (which actually is a long time for us- considering it's sunday skypeday. And I think he is expecting me to ask for forgiveness, and he would forgive. Normally this is what would happen in our relationship, since this has happened many times before. But perhaps its best this way. I would want to end our relationship in peace but I'm not sure it can. He was my best friend, and I would still want to talk to him everyday. However I don't think I would be able to let him go. Maybe he would take me back and things would go back to normal, but than what will happen? I don't know if I can keep doing this for so long. Im only fifteen and I know I have a entire life ahead of me, and sorry if this sounds totally insane, but I can only imagine my future with him! I am so comfused. I love him and I want to be with him but even IF he did take me back, what will the future hold?
I have read all the other stories, and it truly helps to relate with other people. I am in so much anguish.. and I don't know what to do.
My friends and my family said long distance relationship won't work when my doll friend followed her passion and moved out to the West Coast for college. However thirty two months later, We ultimately proved them wrong. Me and my woman friend got back together with more love and passion. If you're in LDR right now, don't give up! It will work if you work it.
I met my love on 9-12-15 we haven't known each other tht long but we both agree tht we're rite for each other. We haven't met in person yet and we call and text all the time.we live in the same state but we're both indeed youthful.we plan about meeting and wht if would be like and wht we would do.Ive been down for Zach since we met and he said he feels the same. We have one of those off and on relationships like we argue one day then the next we're together. When we're not together we find other people but we always end up together again. We tell each other we love each other atleast twenty times in a hour. He's the bad boy type and the good damsel type but it's like he's the nicest person in the world when he talks to me and he got me kinda bad so he got my bad side out and I got his soft side out. We plan on moving in together in the future. We're truly youthfull but I hope he's the one for me!!¡
Hi, my name is Thomas I'm from California
and i've been in an LDR with an amazing dame from Texas….we've been in this relationship for six years….we met when I was thirteen about to be fourteen and she was twelve about to be 13, we met around December and instantly liked each other. And we got together. I knew from the begin I loved her, I was just always worried about my individual problems, which made me think will cause me to liberate her. We've been through EVERYTHING in our relationship. I honestly sadly attempted to break it off, for the fear we were biting off more than we can chew, but each day after our ‘break up' we'd act as if it never happened. And I didn't care, because I always knew I never meant them, I love her to much to ever let go. She always want to attempt to come, but I didn't think I was ready, and worried I wouldn't be up to her expectations. And I was attempting to get more lodged for us. I was a pretty bad fuck up in high school, so I was attempting to get done with school, get a job, raise enough money and go see her. She even agreed to the idea and everything. But one problem was she always thought something was holding me back, but that was just school, money, and me. So eventually i graduated high school, as a super senior, but early within the year than actually expected. And now i was attempting to get a job, but was having trouble. And she still thought i wasn't attempting or doing anything for us. I understood why, and was was because I didn't demonstrate much of me attempting. And I understood if she didn't believe me, my mind set was totally immature in the beginning, we argued and fought, and i was too blind, stubborn, and dumb to see anything. But we eventually had a Yam-sized talk one night and she told me everything where I was wrong, and put me in my place to say, so then I determined we needed to compromise and so we gave each other many, many promises, and I eventually stopped holding back and see each other and gave up my fears of it. So we determined to see each other after six years, and we were going to see each other in February of this year for her bday, she planned to come see me and fortunately by then i ultimately got a job right in the beginning of February, so everything seemed okay…but we didn't end up eyeing each other, and so we planned it again, except my job requires me to work overtime for the entire month of March, including most of my days off. So we then determined to meet in April, excpet this time i'd go to Texas since she began school. So now it is March, and sadly we got into a little fight which turned into something else. She ended telling me she wants to be with another man, because he has his own place, job and embarked school again. Keep in mind we were planning to do all of this, right when I get back on track from being a fuck up, and i did all we needed was to meet in April, we even “married” each other, and i'd permanently attempt to be lovely and roleplay me getting on all fours down asking her to be my wifey, and she always said yes. We planned and promised so much, and now she's about to budge in with him in this coming week. She also said they've been planning on it..when we only needed about twenty or so days. We waited six years, and I know I made the Large mistake of making us wait..but it was.only so i can get back on track for her, she was my only motivation for everything..and we only needed about 20days now..and now i don't think she wants us together…we've stuck through EVERYTHING…and i'm still here fighting..but i feel like she gave up..albeit she says she didn't. She says she is only doing it for us…and because she is tired of living with her parents…even when we planned and were going to attempt figuring out how to be able to live together so she won't anymore. Even before she planned on going to school here so we can live and be together but she determined to stay. And at very first i was a bit sad she embarked school, because we planned on.commencing and.going together, but then I persuaded myself to be okay with that, especially since she is doing what she wants and makes her glad, and will help her for her future and i didnt want to be in.her way and i even determined to go see her and while being there figure out everything, living wise, economic wise, and anything to figure out how to stay and be with her. I love her so much and i am attempting soo hsrd but i don't know what to do..i still plan on going in April..but sometimes.she's okay with it and says itll mean the world and make her the happiest lady ever…but then she tells me to not do it and to not even bother..and that she doesn't care if i do…she once told me to give up…and still no matter what im not cracking any of my promises especially the promise i made six years ago promising that I will go see her….but i worry she doesn't care or love me or would even want to see me……please anyone any advice…..please help…….i truly need it…i indeed love her and am willing to do anything to fix us and get us back on track she is my forever and always, always and forever…i love you Angel….
..its Thomas again, i left behind to add that…well.. i do believe her when she says she loves me and hasn't given up….and all that….but sometimes i feel she doesn't mean it the same….or is just telling sweet things to make me feel better…..and sometimes i fear that the other dude and time will take her from me…..please anyone, i indeed need advice and help on how to fix this……ive thought of counseling but am not sure if she would want too…please anyone with advice… please help…..I LOVE YOU ANGEL, I ALWAYS WILL, I LOVE YOU, FOREVER AND ALWAYS, ALWAYS AND FOREVER..
My name's Jacob, I was in a LDR for four years.
I am super glad to say me and my lovely GF are together now and about to budge into an apartment together this summer (2016) and our relationship has never been better!
We've had a bumpy road together, but we have learned from our mistakes. and I only wright this post to hopefully encourage other to learn from my dumb booty self!
All the things we've been through have been harsh and what I would consider extra ordinary for a relationship to proceed. But there has been an terrific amount of forgiveness and realism.
Not telling she didn't get upset and offended when I cheated like the idiot I was!
Also not to say I shouldn't of got upset when we broke up because she eyed a puny peek of happiness inwards a local stud and left despite claiming she loved me more. She just couldn't treat being so far.
Despite all the bumps and extreme emotions that come with all of our mistakes, we kept a realistic out look on our relationship. She had to determine if she still loved me after I could make such an utterly dumb decision. And it look about six months for her to indeed commence to trust me again. Which is more than understandable if you ask me!
I had to make a similar decision when we desired to get back together after she left me for another boy. This bump in our road is still kind of a sensitive one, but one we AREN’T afraid to talk about, which is how we’re healing from this.
I would say communication is the most significant thing in a relationship for many reasons.
If I didn’t tell her that I’m hurt by the deeds she took while we where separated, than I would be an emotional wreck and quickly become bitter. And if she didn’t ask the same thing back at me, she would be bitter and jealous.
If there’s any question that you have or the they have, it’s so significant that they all get talked about. I don’t necessarily mean questions like “was he better in bed?” or “was she prettier than me?” (Which if you’re questioning those things, ASK THEM! If you can’t talk about frivolous things like that, than there’s a major problem in talking)
But I more so mean questions like “why do I still make you blessed?” and get to the deep root of how and why of every question.
There’s over a million things that attempt to rip your relationship down, statistics showcase that long distance relationships on average can be as solid and dependable as a “normal” relationship. (whatever “normal” means, most of the time it means local dating I guess) So don’t feed into the thought that things have to be rough because it just natural for a LDR.
With so many things that fly at all types of relationships, my fattest encouragement would be Don’t treat a LDR as if it’s a “Normal” relationship.
Every relationship is gonna take its own form of communication. If you don’t consciously switch the way you talk to your LDR BF/GF than there’s nothing defending you from falling apart. It takes a reprogramming of your brain almost. Were trained from a youthfull age that prince charming will come on a magic carpet singing that he’ll showcase you the world. They never mention the times where it takes his dumb butt four years to commit to even see you. *Raises forearm*
IDK I hope somewhere inwards this, someone can get a peek that every relationship is flawed but it takes the extra care and communication to take any relationship to the marriage phase.
Marriage may seem like this wonderful rainbow that a unicorn farts out for once you become a certain age, but let me tell you as someone fresh out of a LDR and about to be engaged. Its scary as SHIT!
P.S. if anyone has a thousand dollars they’d love to give us, she wants about a million pets inwards a one bed apartment. I also take payments in food. (she likes Mexican and Italian)
To “ILoveAngel” …Thomas..ask her sincerely if she hasn't give up on both of you. Tell her you are willing to see her and indeed DO it. But if she indeed has moved on, I am so sorry, there is a lady out there close or far who is much worthy of your love and who will love you back as much you love her. I am in a LDR for four yrs now and communication, trust, honesty and constant reminding the other of our love what keeps us both solid and together. We are 8500+ miles apart and so it is so hard. There should be reciprocity of love inbetween the two of you or else one will be depleted, with all his or her love spent already. You empty love and get packed with love by the other. Both should be willing to fight for the other. Go and visit her if you must and talk to her in person or prove to her you meant it…your love for her. I hope this helps…Good luck..God bless.
Hi. I'm in LDR. I'm thirty one from Wa. My bf forty five is from Florida. He is a truck driver. We met on facebook, we didn't talk much maybe a hi here and there. Last year. We talk fairly more than before. He develop feelings for me. I didn't know if I dreamed to give a shot at love again. Been cheated and hurt in the past. We talk alot…. in Oct two thousand fifteen I guess I had alot on my plate I told him to not call me leave me alone. I didn't hear from him after that. November roll by he text me telling he's coming to Seattle. I will see you soon. I called him asking what for. He desired to know what happen inbetween us. He was talking to someone else at that point in October. He told her that he wasn't into her. He had feelings for someone else which that was me. It was his idea that I should fly out to Florida to see him to see where it was going to go. I booked my flight for Dec.
I was excited and panicked meeting him for the very first time. He was amazing everything what he said was true. I fell in love with him. We made it official that we were dating right on his 4th bday. I was their to feast with him on his special day.
Hardest part came on Jan Trio,2016 was the day I was leaving. We wrote each other a letter on how we felt towards eachother. As we got to the airline getting my bordering pass telling our goodbye and sweet smooches was the hardest thing. I went my ways to get ready to go home. He called me after I got through security telling me he was attempting to hold his tears back walking back to car. That indeed made me sad. As I was on my way home… it felt different. I had a good time and I can't wait to see what happens next.
We haven't seen each other now in over three months it's been hards. With up and downs. We always talk,videochat,text just attempt to make the most of it. He got me a promise ring the symbol of his love to me that he wants to be with forever. I will be moving to Florida to be with him next year in March to have our life and future together. We will be getting married and I will grant him a daughter he always dreamed so do i. Just to let everyone know who is in a LDR that it does work. I know it's hard an it's not effortless but if truly love one another it will pay off at the end to have a blessed life!!
Oh I made a mistake I said his 4th bday I meant to say his 45th bday